Career Development for Adults

Your Ultimate Destination for Top-Notch Training, Career Development and Cutting-Edge Tech Resources!

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Multiple Types of Learning Platforms
Industry Leading Course Brands
Courses taught by Industry Professionals
Affordable, In-depth, High-Quality Online Courses
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JAFFA (Just in Time, Affordable, Flexible, Fun, Adult Learning.) Inc. Computer Learning Center was founded in 2000 to expedite the process of landing a job, learning new career skills, and to provide a venue for purchasing top hardware and software products. Since our inception we have served thousands of clients around the world.

Our resources are designed to fill in the knowledge gaps in aspiring careers, provide access to a knowledge base of experienced professionals in a variety of career fields, and to provide a one-stop resource to search for jobs. Our aim is to help clients unlock the power of their full potential and excel in their desired career field.

At Jaffa Inc. we believe everyone should have an opportunity to Quickly, Easily, and Affordably learn and develop the skills needed to succeed in today's workplace.